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Resource: Book (BK70134) Let the Whole Church Say Amen! A Guide for Those Who Pray in Public     
Author: Laurence Hull Stookey
Publisher: Abingdon Press, 2001
Length: 165 Pages
Subjects: adult ministry ; Adult Ministry Teacher/Leader; Christian Life/Discipleship; Pastoral Ministry; Spiritual Formation/ Prayer
Location: 8 - Prayer
# Copies: 1
Description: In this book, Laurence Hull Stookey seeks to relieve the anxiety of inexperienced leaders of public prayer and the discomfort of those with and for whom they pray, in this practical guide to the art of praying in public. Throughout the book, novice as well as veteran leaders of prayer are offered practical examples, tools, and exercises to help them create and deliver appropriate prayers for those on whose behalf the prayer is offered, regardless of the setting: worship, secular gatherings/events, meetings, mealtime, and others.
Let the Whole Church Say Amen! reflects on the nature of prayer; discusses the forms, mechanics, and vocabularies of prayer; and provides concrete exercises in editing and writing prayers. Readers and users of this practical guide will gain significant experience in crafting prayer to which the whole congregation can respond with an enthusiastic "Amen."

Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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